Intellectual Outputs

O1: Innovative teaching methods and tools kit

01/09/2018- 31/08/2021


The kit of innovative teaching methods and tools (the O1 Toolkit) including the didactical concepts was developed for building competence in HSE risk management. The content was driven by current approaches in HSE risk management. The common elements for O1 development were: Interaction, Gamification, Collaboration and Teamwork, Teacher as a guide (facilitator), Feedback and reflection as integral part of the teaching activity. The focus was on face-to-face learning, even though many of the tools are available for blended learning. Risk management approach including appropriate risk assessment techniques (see IEC 31010:2009) was taught by interactive teaching methods such as working on case studies, brainstorming, guided discussion and project methods. The focus was on minimizing lecture-style teaching and on promotion of collaborative atmosphere of attention and participation.

The O1 Toolkit consist of 19 tools in 5 categories:

  1. Case studies: case studies examples from enterprises and real life regarding HSE risk management (1 – NSC: Project Windmill Case study, 2 - Family house: Incident case study, 3 - Case studies on MSDs and Ergonomics incorporated within O2 package)
  2. Example risk assessments: model risk assessments for selected occupational / health risks and workplace scenarios (4 – Risk analysis of making coffee in Moka pot, 5 – Root cause analysis, 6 – Chemical safety assessment for environment, 7 – HSE Risk characterization in CHESAR)
  3. Online risk assessment tools: examples of the use of freely available online risk assessment softwares and platforms in teaching (8 - OiRA Office, 9 – HSE Online risk assessment tools, 10 – AUVA Noise calculator, 11 – Health risk assessment of inhalation exposure to chemicals with Stoffenmanager, 12 – Health risk assessment of exposure to nanomaterials with Stoffenmanager Nano)
  4. Safety games: various games on selected HSE topics using photos and situation plans from real/model workplaces and Jeopardy on HSE topics (13 – Chemical puzzle, 14 – Hazard Hunt® by Graphito Prevention, 15 – Safe lab procedure, 16 - WorkSafeBC: What’s wrong with this photo?, 17 – Jeopardy game)
  5. Virtual reality games/training: example training of practical skills in hazard identification via game with the use of virtual reality (18 - OSHA´s Hazard identification training tool, 19 – XVR training)
The tools are in the form of guides for student (task assignment) and guide for teacher (detailed activity/lesson plan) available in PDF format. The guides are supplemented by pictures, photos and videos.

O2: New optional subject incl. e-learning support

01/05/2019- 31/10/2021

New optional subject entitled “Interactive HSE risk management” (O2 course) incorporating innovative methods and tools (O1) was developed and based on the Google classroom blended learning platform. The course is project-based, focused on practical tasks from HSE risk management which are faced by the Safety professionals in companies.

Teaching materials, incl. PowerPoint presentations (which make up the “textbook”), case studies and other activities embedded in the presentations, were elaborated to enhance the teaching and learning process. This was done in this integrated manner to facilitate the delivery of the classes, in order to provide the teachers and the students with the overall contents and activities within the presentations, thus granting the workflow is followed correctly. Other activities and resources (including further reading) are also provided out of the presentations.

The classes are divided into three parts (blocks): Part I dedicated to the Risk management process and Risk assessment techniques, Part II focused on particular risks (Chemicals, Vibration, Noise and Thermal environment), and Part III on OSH management system and ALARP principle.

Activities include various exercises on practical tasks related to HSE risk management (e.g. calculation of daily exposure to noise and vibrations, analysis of results from chemical analysis of workplace exposure, etc.). Three case studies were elaborated to support the project-based learning, namely: 1 - Occupational Hearing Loss, 2 - Vibrations exposure assessment – Lower backpain case study, and 3 - Work Conditions Improvement of a Packing Workstation – case study at a furniture manufacturing industry.

The digital platform used to the execution of this course is the Google’s Classroom ( The teachers may choose to recreate one of their one, but an example of the environment is shared through the previous link. The users are required a Google account, but the access is free. The teachers are also able to establish a code for the course, which renders it only accessible to the users. In the case of the example shared, the password is: “u7w4zas”. All the teaching resources can be accessed also through this link:

O3: Industry trainee program module

01/05/2019- 30/06/2021

The Industry Trainee Program module on HSE risk management (O3 Trainee program) was developed with the objective to enable university students to gain practical skills in real industrial companies. The output was realized as a module for possible implementation in other industrial companies.

The O3 Trainee program consists of 8 key parts, which are described in detail in the Program outline:

  1. Partnership with industrial companies - FIELD OF PRACTISE
  2. Selection of talented HSE students - ASSESSMENT CENTER
  3. Selection and training of company mentors – WORKSHOP, GUIDES FOR MENTORS
  4. Students´ handbook – GUIDES FOR TRAINEES
  5. Specification of trainees adaptation - INDIVIDUAL PLANS
  6. Definition of trainee expected outcome - IMPROVEMENT PROJECT
  7. Monitoring and (self)evaluation - FEEDBACK MEETINGS
  8. Transfer to other industrial companies - IMPLEMENTATION

The O3 package includes the following supported documents:

  • Assessment Center concept
  • Individual Plan template
  • Design of workshop for mentors
  • Guides for mentors (handbook)
  • Guides for trainees (handbook)
  • Pre- and post-testing self-evaluation questionnaire for trainees
  • Evaluation questionnaire for company mentors

The program was tested with slight modifications, which were caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The testing (implementation) phase started with promo campaign to get regional industrial companies and students on board. Existing contacts of VSB to industrial partners and networks were used.

The testing period was followed by the evaluation phase. Students were asked to fill a pre-testing self-evaluation questionnaire at the beginning of the Trainee Program and a post-testing self-evaluation questionnaire at the end.

Valuable feedback was received from the company mentors through structured questionnaires as well. Feedback summary:

  • TEAMWORKS SKILLS were developed thanks to communication with other co-workers and discussions with them
  • PRESENTATION SKILLS were developed thanks to leading internal trainings or presentation experience in the company
  • ANALYTICAL SKILLS were developed thanks to analyzing real problems and looking for solutions or measures
  • PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLS were developed thanks to the responsibility students got for the results and outcomes
  • COMMUNICATION SKILLS were developed because students needed to ask other people for help or advice
  • TIME MANAGEMENT abilities were developed because students learnt to plan their time more efficiently to keep up with school
  • Sence for ACCOUNTIBILITY was developed because students learnt how to be more independent and responsible for their results


University of Minho Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt VSB - Technical university of Ostrava

Funded by

This project „Building Competence in Risk Management of Future HSE Professionals“ nr. 2018-1-CZ01-KA203-048141 is funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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