About RiskMan

Project title: Building Competence in Risk Management of Future HSE Professionals (RiskMan)

Applicant: VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Safety Engineering

Partners: Universidade Do Minho, Portugal and Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt (AUVA), Austria

Project identification code: 2018-1-CZ01-KA203-048141

Project duration: September 2018 – August 2021, 36 months

Project total costs: 247 577 Eur

Financed by: Erasmus+ Programme, KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices, KA203 - Strategic Partnerships for higher education

Why this project?

Environment, health and safety (HSE) have to be managed together. Today, society faces new challenges for HSE, especially with the introduction of new technologies (E.g. nanotechnologies, Green technologies, Industry 4.0 including collaborating robots), new materials and substances bringing new hazards (e.g. nanomaterials, electronic waste etc.), as well as those caused by the global changes (e.g. global supply chain, migration climatic change, sustainability). New demands then appear and educational system has to be adopted. New, transformed and emerging risks need to be anticipated and addressed in order to ensure protection of human health, environment, property and assets.
HSE professionals need to have relevant and high-quality competences not only to cope with these challenges but also to find creative and innovative solutions to handle them. Applicaton of recent results in the domain of risk understanding and risk management enables to develop demanded competences and to overcome todays gap, when health, safety and environment managements are not really integrated, but only formally connected together. Integration value, which is the risk, is still missing in the education.
Competence in risk management, including analytical and critical thinking, flexibility, evidence-based decision making in the face of uncertainty and complexity, acting within multidisciplinarity and intercultural context, require innovative ways of teaching and training, as well as innovation in understanding and control of risks. Use of results, tools and changed paradigms and theories, which are outputs of specific research, where the project partners are also active (nano-safety, environmental security, resilience building etc.) will support the transfer of latest research outputs to the educational process.


Technical University of Ostrava, the Czech Republic , Faculty of Safety Engeneering


VSB Technical University of Ostrava (VSB-TUO) is a public institution of higher education which provides tertiary education in more than one hundred accredited educational programmes in engineering, IT, technology, economics and business-related branches. A wide range of Czech and English taught programmes are offered within seven Faculties and two all-University Programmes. More about VSB–TUO at https://www.vsb.cz/en

The Faculty of Safety Engineering (FSE) is the youngest faculty of VSB-TUO established in 2002 in response to the growing demand of practice for highly educated professionals in the area of safety engineering and for related research activities. Graduates can take positions as safety and security engineers and managers in various organizations, fire protection services, as designers, etc. More about FSE at https://www.fbi.vsb.cz/en


Founded in 1973, the University of Minho (UMinho) is one of the most important and prestigious HEI in Portugal. It is renowned for the wide range of undergraduate and graduate courses offered, for the competence and quality of its faculty, for the level of excellence in research, and for the remarkable degree of interaction with other institutions and the society at large. UMinho has a campus in the city of Braga and two other in the city of Guimarães.

The Department of Production and Systems (DPS) was created in 1976 and is located in the two campi of the University: Gualtar, in Braga and Azurém, in Guimarães. More about UMINHO at https://www.uminho.pt

AUVA Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt, Austria


AUVA is the Austrian Social Insurance for occupational risks for approximately 2.9 million employed persons, 494,000 self employed persons and 1.4 million school children and students. AUVA carwes annually for about 180.000 victims of occupational accidents and pays about 72,000 compensations per year to victims of occupational accidents and industrial diseases. The legal basis for AUVA is laid down in an Austrian law, the Social Security Act (Allgemeines Sozialversicherungsgesetz - ASVG).

The main legal duties of AUVA are the following: Prevention of occupational accidents and industrial diseases. First aid in connection with industrial diseases. Occupational medical care. Rehabilitation in rehabilitation centres. Compensation payment (pensions) after occupational accidents and industrial diseases. Research of the most efficient and successful methods and instruments to fulfil these duties. More info about AUVA at https://www.auva.at

Main objective

To develop relevant and high-quality competences of future HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) professionals in the area of risk management through transnational cooperation among universities, insurance institutions, enterprises and other key stakeholders.


To create a common integrated approach to all segments of HSE based on the risk management theories and principles, enabling evidence-based decision making and resources allocation
Incorporate the latest research outputs from risk management theory and emerging risks into education process
Develop students´ practical skills in HSE risk management hand in hand with building their managerial skills
Build students´ ability to anticipate new risks and to prepare for them
Support teachers´ competence in interactive teaching
Facilitate the innovation and quality improvement in education and training through the best practice exchange among different types of organizations as training events will be presented and discussed as good practices examples


University of Minho Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt VSB - Technical university of Ostrava

Funded by

This project „Building Competence in Risk Management of Future HSE Professionals“ nr. 2018-1-CZ01-KA203-048141 is funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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