Dissemination activities

Overview of the dissemination and communication activities of the project

XXXII. konference „Aktuálne otázky bezpečnosti práce“,4.-6.12. 2019, Vysoké Tatry

Ivana Slováčková, presentation of the project RiskMan

Conference WOS2019, 23-27 September 2019, Vienna

Interactive OSH training, I. Slovackova

Industry trainee program for future HSE professionals, Sarka Hermanova, Lucie Kocurkova

RiskMan innovative approach within education and training of future safety professionals, Lucie Kocůrková, Radka Přichystalová, Pavel Danihelka


International Trade Fair and Congress A+A 2019, 7.November 2019, Dusseldorf

ENETOSH Workshop: How to reach young people?, Block II: Experienced based learning – Examples of good practice, Let´s work together: Interactive tools for students and teachers, Lucie Kocurkova

Conference AUVA Forum Prävention, 21st May, 2019, Vienna

International seminar on the topic: „The innovative approach within the education of HSE professionals“, Radka Prichystalova

OiRA Czech Republic Meeting, 13March 2019, Prague

RiskMan project presentation, Lucie Kocůrková

Erasmus Days at VSB 2021, 14 and 15 Oct 2021, Ostrava, CR

Poster presentation of the project

ENETOSH Newsletter

Information about the project at ENETOSH network, 25Nov2018

Education and training of future HSE Professionals, Lucie Kocůrková


University of Minho Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt VSB - Technical university of Ostrava

Funded by

This project „Building Competence in Risk Management of Future HSE Professionals“ nr. 2018-1-CZ01-KA203-048141 is funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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